Good news for all us! On occasion of our participation at the C# Corner Annual Conference 2017 in New Delhi, India, we would like to present the first version of the Stratis Wiki.Brought to you by the efforts of our Stratis Academy in collaboration with members of our community, we have put together a basic structure of what we expect to be the most fundamental repository of documentation and research of the Stratis technology and developments. This will be a welcomed tool for the countless developers we expect to make aware and onboard on the Stratis Platform in the years to come. We consider this a fundamental instrument in making available technical know-how for developers wishing to explore our technology, services and capabilities.We expect it will also be a nice source of information for our existing community members, as well as new comers and investors interested in learning the specifics and the business applications and potential of our technology. The new Stratis Wiki can be accessed here: invite our community to use it and propose comments and amendments. To this effect we are opening a #stratiswiki channel to the public in our Slack where you can initially post your comments and suggestions. There will be bounties and special recognition to collaborators and for those who help us put together informative and technical articles for the Stratis Wiki.Thanks to Phil (@daddy) for his effort and help putting this together. Also @alpho2k, @dlow, @khilone, @krushang and other members of the team & community for your help with this.
Learn About Stratis in the New Wiki
Written by
Iain McCain
Published on
April 6, 2017