On behalf of all of us here at Team Stratis, we hope that the end of the year gave you all the opportunity to relax and recharge before diving into 2023 with renewed energy. This new year holds in store many upcoming developments for Team Stratis; however, we cannot forget about the exciting updates that brought 2022 to a perfect end back in December.Read on for a glimpse into NFT collections, merch drops, release announcements, and more.
Dawn of Ships launches utility NFTs on Stratisphere
Dawn of Ships, a swashbuckling P2E Web3 game powered by the Stratis blockchain, recently dropped its first utility NFTs on the Stratisphere Marketplace. These utility NFTs will enable players to power up their ship and gain reward bonuses as they battle their way across the high seas, earning upgrades to their ship along the journey.You can find the newly launched NFTs here, and be sure to follow @dawnofships on Twitter for all the latest updates.
Corgi Dash announces release date
SDA alum Corgi Dash, a Mario Run-inspired P2E game, has announced on Twitter that it will be coming to the Stratis ecosystem very soon, with a launch date in February 2023.In Corgi Dash, players must use skilled gameplay to race across several obstacle-filled levels and earn coins. If they make it to the Corgi House, the coins earned along the way will be added to their Stratis Wallet and become tradable.Follow @corgi_dash on Twitter to stay up-to-date with all announcements from this vibrant game powered by the Stratis blockchain.
My XR Gallery
My XR Gallery has offered us a sneak peek into the exciting new features currently in development. These include new 360 spheres, virtual hangout spaces, and improved methods for uploading and displaying assets. These features will allow users to share content, such as 360 videos, and add a new area for people to socialise and make purchases in the Metaverse.This mix of social space and a platform for displaying digital assets gives the XR Gallery an integrated and immersive experience which effectively creates an entirely new world. A world full of art, personalised spaces and human interaction — offering the possibility of a distinctively fulfilling virtual experience.My XR Gallery will be rolling out the aforementioned features and more in 2023, including a planned V2 launch in July, so be sure to follow them on Twitter to stay up to date
Stratis Meetups
We loved seeing the Stratis community at our London meetups in 2022, with our 16th December meetup proving the perfect way to wrap up an exciting year for Stratis. We’d love to celebrate a new year for Stratis by seeing as many of you down at Tower Suites as possible on the 20th of January, so do sign up here for our next meetup. These meetups can sell out — grab a free ticket while you still can. We will also be running more of these meetups in February and beyond. You can look now and plan for the future. See you there.