We are pleased to announce the release of block explorers for both Stratis and Cirrus networks. This enables anyone to query transactions, blocks and for the first time, Smart Contracts in C# on-chain execution.Over time, more features and statistical information will be added to our explorers to provide a birds-eye view of the activity on the respective chains. More importantly, as a result of our Smart Contract implementation, you can now view the executed code in a readable format from the block explorer.This is one of the many benefits of the Stratis Smart Contracts in C# implementation, providing an increased level of audibility on the contracts executing on-chain.https://test-cirrusexplorer.stratisplatform.com/transactions/82178ff37e89a8e52f5...In addition to being able to query Smart Contracts in C#, it is now possible to query the Federation Wallet addresses for cross-chain transfers. This enables those performing cross-chain transfers to monitor the progress of a cross-chain transfer.As part of this release, there are now four block explorers available for immediate use and can be accessed using the below links.
Stratis Mainnet
Cirrus Mainnet
Stratis Testnet