The past few months have seen several SDA projects continue to evolve and harness Stratis blockchain technologies to push the boundaries of gaming, smart contracts, and more. With so many developments to share and many more to come over the course of 2022, this blog will shine a light on some of the most recent project updates that are taking place with the support of the SDA and the wider Stratis community.
In a recent update from the CoinVault team, it was revealed that their explorer has undergone some exciting extensions: not only does it now support both the Stratis and Cirrus Testnets; it can also display an in-depth and detailed summary of smart contract data.In terms of NFT, DAO, and StandardToken smart contracts, users will be able to access detailed information regarding relevant smart contracts on the explorer, while developers will gain access to API endpoints. The list of smart contracts that this information is available for is only set to expand as time goes on, and we’re excited to see these developments put in place to ensure the utmost transparency across smart contracts usage.Our recent SDA update also touched on CoinVault, a non-custodial and browser-based wallet that passed its proposal back in October 2021. CoinVault supports multiple Stratis wallets and several accounts simultaneously, enabling users to manage their assets with autonomy. When integrated with Opdex, the first decentralised exchange on the Stratis Platform, CoinVault will allow users to transfer and swap STRAX and CIRRUS tokens. CoinVault also now supports users in sending and receiving assets on both the Stratis and Cirrus Mainnets and Testnets. The wallet is currently in private alpha testing, and you can be part of the test group by requesting to join on the Stratis Discord channel.You can also follow Stratis and CoinVault on Twitter, @stratisplatform and @coinvault_io respectively, to stay up to date with all relevant news around the launch.
Dawn of Ships
The Astroverse community announced two exciting new mechanics – Plunder and Ambush - to the pirate-inspired Dawn of Ships game earlier this month.In the game, players can ‘Plunder’ other players as they set sail across the sea. As an essential activity within the game, Plundering requires players to build three units known as SHIPS, which they can then assign a CREW to if they so wish. Players can Plunder three times, with each turn taking 4 hours to complete, although Club Pass holders will be able to increase the number of plundering missions they undertake. Plundering allows players to gain GOLD and OVIA tokens for each mission, although these gains are not without their challenge, as each plundering will cost a player one reduced durability point, impacting the overall SHIP durability.The players that choose to assign a CREW to their SHIPS may find themselves at an advantage when it comes to winning a Yield Bonus, which are awarded as a result of assigning CREW members or through being a Club Pass Holder. If a player wins Plundering Points (PP) over the course of gameplay, they can also win a Speed Bonus, which reduces the time of a Plundering mission by 30 minutes.The ‘Ambush’ mechanic, on the other hand, allows players to steal resources from other players whilst they are carrying out Plundering missions. Ambush also requires the player to have three SHIPS with the option to assign 1 CREW to each. An Ambush is shorter than a Plundering mission, however, and takes between 1 to 2.5 hours, depending on whether the opposing player sends back-up. Ambushing offers players the opportunity to gain additional $OVIA and GOLD for successful attacks. As with Plundering, each Ambush reduces the $SHIP durability by 1.The Ambush Window has a default time of 1.5 hours, although Plundering players can reduce this time if they hold the previously mentioned Speed Bonus. To add to their attack and defence forces, both the Plundering and Ambushing players can send up to 2 additional $SHIP and $CREW as reinforcements.If Dawn of Ships and its game of swashbuckling strategy sounds interesting, do join The Astroverse Club Discord Channel for all the latest updates.
As explored in our very first SDA update, FileProtected harnesses blockchain technologies, digital fingerprints, and timestamps to make copyright ownership completely indisputable. And since becoming part of our SDA programme, the FileProtected team has been investigating how to implement these capabilities across other companies in the community.Most recently, FileProtected has been updating its UX/UI branding to ensure the most efficient and easy-to-use customer experience possible. The team has enhanced storage services by introducing One Drive to the mix and allowing several One Drive accounts to connect to FileProtected and instantly register all uploaded files. Another exciting addition is AI-assisted image, and video tagging, which allows our system to recognize and auto-tag registered content, enabling users to search and discover quicker than ever.Amongst many other new features, upcoming additions to the FileProtected system include:
- The ability to instantly register any file or IP
- Automatic Instagram registration
- Integrated Google search capabilities
- QR code watermark protects and links offline work to sales
Do check out FileProtected for further details and keep watch for new content across their Discord.
Hashbattle is making its way towards a public beta launch, with a targeted release in the first week of May. With final testing ongoing, the first beta version will feature 10 games with an entry fee of 0 Cirrus, 0.3 Cirrus, 0.5 Cirrus and 1 Cirrus. The titles include Cops Clash, Zig Zag Zoom, Duck Dunk, Hurdle Hop, Stack Tower, Zombie Rage, Basketball Mania, Tunnel Trouble, Hammer Hero, and Counting Snakes.The first phase of the Hashbattle NFT drop, which includes 10K Dead Warriors NFTs, will debut in late May. NFT owners will gain access to a unique feature called Photobooth, which enables them to pose their NFT characters in different environments with different camera angles to create print shots for use across various platforms. All the 10K NFTs will be accessible in Hashbattle games, which will have character usage and provide access to upcoming exclusive Hashbattle Metaverse available only for NFT owners. The first phase of Hashbattle Metaverse is planned to for launch in late June.
Kiqqi Games
Trivia Legends by Kiqqi Games is set to be released in alpha version to the general public in the near future, with testers and fans able to test their knowledge and unlock NFT characters as they progress through the game designed on Cirrus Testnet Blockchain.To celebrate the release of Trivia Legends, we will also launch a Discord group for the gaming community as well as an Origin NFT collection, so watch this space for updates.
Opdex launched on Cirrus more than a month ago, bringing DeFi and ODX governance tokens capabilities to Stratis. ODX tokens have commenced distribution through liquidity mining in USDT, WBTC, WETH, and SHIB pools with a high participation rate amongst liquidity providers. Roughly 12.5 million ODX tokens have been distributed, with about four million being staked, a million being provided, and the remainder either held or available for collection. The protocol has about $600,000 in locked liquidity, with 95% of it locked within liquidity pools that have activated ODX mining. Nearly 100% of that eligible liquidity is actively participating, showing strong support for the project. Overall, users have traded just over $300,000 in organic volume in a 100% decentralized and non-custodial fashion, and that number will only continue to go up with time.
Polycarbon Game
Polycarbon Game is incredibly close to releasing the demo of its XR Gallery featuring a Stratisphere gallery, to reflect the talent and artistry of the Stratis community with a sense of physicality. The website for XR Gallery is currently in development, although users will soon be able to access existing metaverse galleries, design their own custom galleries, invite friends and followers to view their artwork, and converse with them directly using Photon Technology.Polycarbon Game is also working with Andy Rosen and the FileProtected team to develop a use case example of how a store front will operate in the XR Gallery metaverse. Andy Rosen is generously contributing minted NFTs featuring his award-winning punk rock photography for users to enjoy.The UI/UX updates will continue to unfold as Polycarbon Game receives community feedback, and we look forward to seeing users enjoy their own accessible and adaptable galleries.