We are well into Q4 and wish to share the progress on our exciting Q4 Product Development Roadmap. There have been great strides made since our last update and below is an insight into the key milestones achieved in our development so far.Breeze Wallet The upcoming Breeze Alpha 1.2 release enables running both Stratis and Bitcoin networks in parallel all while operating in full block SPV mode. Breeze being able to operate on multiple blockchains was one of the last tasks we had to complete before we could release the Breeze MasterNodes. This release will contain the MasterNode registration and discovery protocol, allowing:
- Stratis and Bitcoin running side by side in Full Block SPV mode
- Improved transaction details including confirmations
- Improved privacy, randomized input selection
- Fee estimation
The Breeze Alpha 1.2 release is scheduled for 23rd October.Stratis MasterNodesThe Breeze Node (MasterNode) alpha will be released on the 30th October, which utilizes Stratis Blockchain technology to host secure, resilient and distributed services.The MasterNodes allow operators to advertise the services they offer on the blockchain - which in turn are discoverable and consumed by clients such as the Breeze Wallet.The release will include the first such service which is the Breeze Privacy Protocol (powered by TumbleBit). In order to allow a wide audience for the release, this test version will have no collateral lock down requirement.The Stratis Breeze nodes will be the first MasterNodes that allow operators to earn Bitcoin, we are very excited about this release.Stratis Full Node GUIWe have carried major updates to the Stratis Full Node and nStratis framework. Below are a few of the key developments undertaken by our Full Node team:
- Proof of Stake code has been extensively tested and improved ensuring it is more robust and efficient
- Interoperability testing with the soon to be legacy QT based StratisX wallet
- Significant performance enhancements
- Increased stability
- Extending the test coverage
The Alpha release is on schedule for our Q4 deliverable.Stratis Academy The Stratis academy development process is nearing a MVP.Our selection of a hybrid ‘Learning and Community’ management system will create a nurturing environment based on the education of blockchain, introduction of real world tech solutions and development of blockchain projects.Stratis technology will be the base for developers to get introduced to and get involved with the blockchain. Content and course work is currently being compiled, further developed and produced.