We took the opportunity of the gathering of blockchain entrepreneurs, developers and investors at Consensus 2017 to kickstart our funding activities for the BaaS and consultancy areas of our business. It proved to be a very timely decision as the show was pretty much a showcase of existing and upcoming ICOs and many other business opportunities available to us in the market.As we have mentioned a few days ago, Stratis Group Ltd. has secured the services of renowned blockchain entrepreneur Marshall Swatt, initially in the capacity of Strategic Advisor, to help us evaluate the different options we have been presented and the new opportunities and challenges. His first task - help us evaluate a series of proposals and perform due diligence on some of them with the goal of determining their suitability to our business goals.Based on his initial assessment, we feel very optimistic about the frameworks and legal support offered by platforms such as Argon Group - recommended to us by Blockchain Capital's Brock Pierce, read more here and here.At the same time, we are also performing due diligence on BnkToTheFuture (very attractive in terms of reach and capabilities) as well the traditional VCs that have presented investment offers (such as Seraph.VC and others). With all these opportunities we feel confident that shortly we will be announcing a final selection and officially open our funding round.On the regulatory side of things, we also had some very interesting meetings with experts and practicing lawyers that will help us sort out present and future legal hurdles we may face. We are following up conversations to secure the services of world class experts, including a former US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) prosecutor, as well as specialists from very prestigious global legal teams in the areas of investment, corporate governance and intellectual property protection. All this, is done with the idea of guaranteeing a solid legal framework that reassures investors and customers of the stability and sustainability of our operation in an environment of rising compliance challenges.In the next few weeks we will share with the community more details on how things evolve on each of these important areas. Stay tuned!
Mission Consensus 2017
Written by
Iain McCain
Published on
May 25, 2017