

Stratis Monthly – July

The start of summer has been full of highly anticipated developments for Stratis, from announcements relating to Stratis’s upcoming GBPT stable coin to a new approved SDA project in the form of Corgi Dash from Mild Beast Games.

Read to find out more about the latest updates from team Stratis, as well as insights into developments that are to come across the NFT and play-to-earn landscapes.

Cointelegraph shares that Stratis gained 200%+ with Sky Dream Mall metaverse and stablecoin

The Stratis team recently revealed that its plans to launch a Great British Pound Token (GBPT) stable coin are continuing to progress with the unveiling of ‘Stratis Investment Group Limited’, an entity that will be used for this new stable coin.

Blockchain technology holds incredible potential to simplify payments, and now is an exciting moment for Stratis to be at the heart of developments with organisations more willing than ever to accept stable coin payments.

Our friends at Cointelegraph took note of this news as well as the hype surrounding the upcoming launch of Sky Dream Mall, a metaverse developed by Polycarbon Games on the Stratis blockchain, and positioned these developments, along with Stratis’s outreach in Uganda, as factors behind STRAX prices rallying 200% according to data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and Trading View.

Stratis extends its thanks to Cointelegraph for this recognition, and we look forward to continuing to advocate for innovative projects such as the GBPT stable coin and Sky Dream Mall metaverse in the coming months.

Building continues at the Stratis Blockchain Innovation Centre in Uganda

 In last month’s blog, we revealed that building had begun for the new blockchain innovation centre in the Tooro Kingdom of southwestern Uganda, and June has only seen this progress continue.

You can head over to our Twitter to watch building in action as we grow closer to watching the collaboration between the Charitable Foundation of King Oyo and Stratis turn into reality in the form of a centre that will facilitate the development of blockchain skills and innovations across the kingdom.

Corgi Dash from Mild Beast Games is approved by SDA Masternodes

Corgi Dash, the latest game from Mild Beast Games, the creators behind games such as At Sundown: Shots in the Dark, has passed the SDA vote with 112 votes for the proposal, which requested 72,500 CRS in funding.

You can follow @corgi_dash on Twitter for updates on this play-to-earn game as it comes to life on the Stratis blockchain.

Trivia Legends drops ‘Origins’ NFTs on Stratisphere

Another SDA alumnus, Trivia Legends, also shared an exciting update this month by dropping the first 250 hand-drawn ‘Origins’ NFTs on the Stratisphere marketplace.

These 250 NFTs form what will be 2000 in total from the ‘Origins’ collection, all of which have manually selected ‘EPIC’ and ‘LEGENDARY’ characters. These characters come out of 9 existing classes, which will expand to 30 classes with a mainnet release.

These NFTs are exclusive to the collection and will not be available to win, buy, or claim through the game.

You can see browse the collection here.

BCrypt Conference 2022

It was great to see Satya Karki, C# Blockchain Developer for Stratis, represent Stratis Platform at the BCrypt Conference hosted by the GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management in Dehli, India.

Satya delivered sessions discussing myriad topics from SDA projects to the background of Stratis Blockchain development, as well as getting involved in hands-on student labs at the institute.

BCrypt is one of the largest blockchain, crypto, NFTs and Web 3.0 conferences to take place in 2022, and it was a privilege for Stratis to be amongst the esteemed speakers at the event.

Cirrus Core Release

Finally, last month also saw the release of Cirrus Core, an updated version of the Cirrus wallet designed to introduce dynamic InterFlux Fees. These InterFlux Fees ensure tht those who wish to engage with InterFlux are able to do so at a lower cost. This version also has a new added feature that allows users to rewind their node.

You can read more about the release here.







Stratis Monthly – May

Welcome to another monthly update here at Stratis! Today we’ll discuss several new updates that range from eagerly-awaited gaming news to the expansion of Stratis overseas with an exciting new partnership with the Tooro Kingdom in Uganda.

It is excellent to see the variety of use cases that Stratis blockchain technologies can apply, and we look forward to seeing these updates develop further in the coming months.

Stratis Africa

This week, Stratis announced its partnership with the Foundation of King Oyo, a charity led by the monarch of the Tooro Kingdom in the South West of Uganda. With this long-term partnership, the global expansion of Stratis has begun with the launch of Stratis Africa.

King Oyo (Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV) is the world’s youngest reigning monarch. The king was crowned at 3 and a half, and his reign thus far has been marked by a keen interest in technology and a dedication to developing the digital offerings of this kingdom of approximately one million.

As such, this partnership will see Stratis fund the creation of a blockchain innovation centre based in the Tooro Kingdom that will develop the local community’s blockchain-based skills and learning.

In addition to this, Stratis and the Tooro Kingdom will develop blockchain use cases that will positively benefit the kingdom’s population, such as the introduction of blockchain technologies that can be used to manage the Tooro Kingdom’s abundant agricultural resources.

We look forward to watching this collaboration grow and thrive as Stratis continues to expand its ecosystem across Africa.

Opdex Liquidity Mining & Token Swap

New tutorials have launched on YouTube for how to take full advantage of features available on the Opdex platform, such as liquidity providing and mining, staking, and token swaps.

Opdex itself is a series of DeFi and governance smart contracts that enable users to trade, swap, earn, and govern assets through the use of Stratis and Cirrus blockchains.

With low gas fees and rigorous testing processes to ensure platform security, Opdex allows users to enjoy its abundance of features in a non-custodial, gas-efficient, and trustless manner.

You can find out more about Opdex here:

Trivia Legends

Trivia Legends – a competitive knowledge-based game that allows players to win different avatars in the form of blockchain NFTs – was officially launched on the Stratis Blockchain TestNet this month and is currently undergoing review from a team of dedicated alpha testers.

Trivia Legends has also announced their plans to create a collection of high-tier characters from the game, which will be made available to anyone exclusively via Stratisphere NFT marketplace. More news on this will be coming soon!

Be sure to follow @TriviaLegends on Twitter for the latest updates, news, and giveaways!

Dawn of Ships

Speaking of exciting gaming updates in April, this past month also saw two new features be added to the game of pirates and sea adventures that is Dawn of Ships.

We took a deep dive into these new features over in our most recent SDA Update but, to summarise, these new mechanics – ‘Plunder’ and ‘Ambush’ – add a fun competitive edge to the game.

Each Plundering mission takes 4 hours to complete, and players can Plunder other ships three times, with Club Pass holders able to increase the number of Plunderings they choose to do. Plundering wins players GOLD and OVIA tokens for each mission, but it requires a delicate balance of wins and losses, as each plundering will cost a player one reduced durability point. Players can also win Yield Bonuses and Speed Bonuses, the latter of which reduces the time of a Plundering mission by 30 minutes.

The ‘Ambush’ feature enables players to steal resources from other players on Plundering missions. An Ambush takes between 1 to 2.5 hours, depending on whether the opposing player sends back-up. Players can win additional $OVIA and GOLD for a successful Ambush, although, similarly to Plundering, an Ambush also costs a durability point.

Plundering players can reduce the time that opposing players can spend on an Ambush mission if they have a Speed Bonus. To aid them in their strategies, both players can send up to 2 additional $SHIP and $CREW as reinforcements.

Do join The Astroverse Club Discord Channel for all the latest updates on Dawn of Ships.


Stratis Monthly – April

Spring has sprung at Stratis, and with the new season comes a host of eagerly anticipated developments. From the announcement of the Opdex launch signalling a new era in GameFi for Stratis to an exciting collaboration with UCL on the balance between NFTs and sustainability, this month has seen some long-term projects come to fruition. We look forward to seeing the Stratis community reap the benefits.

Opdex and GameFi on Stratis

March saw the launch of the Opdex platform, a decentralised exchange within the Stratis ecosystem designed to support the integration of DeFi into its GameFi ecosystem. Opdex is built using the native C# language of the Stratis blockchain, making it ideally suited to game development.

Opdex will allow users to swap Stratis native tokens on the Cirrus sidechain, provide liquidity and mine for rewards in ODX (the native token on Opdex). Opdex is compatible with tokens based on Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric, allowing for a high level of interoperability. As part of the Stratis ecosystem, it also uses the .NET framework to enable smart contracts. These features make Opdex a useful exchange for game developers as the platform is both affordable and highly customisable.

Speaking of GameFi, three eagerly awaited mini-games – NFT Knives, NFT Rise, and NFT Road Runner – launched on Windows and Android utilising the Stratis Unity3d SDK. With each mini-game designed to showcase NFTs built on Stratis, these launches mark the start of an era in which creators can build blockchain-based games and integrate DeFi using Opdex to create a truly immersive experience. Links to download the games can be found below:

NFT Basketball



NFT Knives



NFT Rise



NFT Road Runner



Stratis & UCL Collaborate on NFT Sustainability Manifesto

This month, Stratis teamed up with Paolo Taticchi, Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at UCL School of Management, where he is also the School Deputy Director, to develop the ‘NFT Sustainability Manifesto’. The manifesto aims to raise awareness about how companies can approach the use of NFTs from an environmentally conscious perspective.

Traditionally, consensus mechanisms such as Proof of Work (PoW) contribute to carbon emissions due to their energy consumption. This is one reason why Stratisphere and the and underlying blockchain that powers it is based on Proof-of-Authority (PoA), which is considerably more energy-efficient, thanks to an alternate approach to block production.

The manifesto is available here, and its release has been marked by the launch of a Queen Elizabeth II NFT in which the monarch dons a top with the tagline: ‘NFT – use and consume responsibly’. We would like to extend our thanks to NFT designer Michele Fabbro and artist Massimiliano Donnari for their work on this NFT, and we wish UCL and Professor Taticchi (who recently appeared on Italian television to discuss the manifesto) the best of luck as they continue to facilitate meaningful discussions surrounding technology and environmental responsibility.

New tokens available through InterFlux Bridge

InterFlux has recently undergone further developments to enable bi-directional transfers of ERC20 Tokens to SRC20 Tokens. These changes are supported by updates to Cirrus Core, which can now mobilise bi-directional transfers to swap tokens back to ERC20 in a matter of clicks. This development further enhances the capabilities of InterFlux as a bridge between Stratis Blockchain technologies and platforms such as Ethereum.

From 9th March, six ERC20 Tokens will be available through the InterFlux Bridge – wETH, WBTC, USDC, USDT, LINK and SHIB – and if you are interested in seeing more tokens added to this list, please join our Discord and add your voice to the community discussion.

Stratis Community Infographic Contest

To celebrate the aforementioned Opdex launch, the Stratis Community has launched an Infographic Contest, giving participants the chance to win between both STRAX and NFTs.

To enter, you simply have to create an infographic about Opdex and share it in the comments of this post, from which Gold Members will choose a winner on the 10th April.


Best of luck to all those who enter!

Stratis Monthly – March

March has seen many interesting new developments for the Stratis community. From the launch of the Astroverse NFT Club Pass to the conclusion of Stratis’ third hackathon, it’s been a month full of exciting NFT and blockchain news, and we look forward to sharing a snapshot of this month’s highlights as well as an insight into what is yet to come.


Stratis Build Hackathon – prize winners announced!

This month, Stratis announced the prize winners for the Stratis Build Hackathon, the third hackathon in Stratis’ history. Over 500 participants took part in creating some truly innovative solutions using blockchain technology, and we expect to see some of the winning entries develop further into exciting new projects in the future.

The Grand Prize Winner is Silver, described by its creator Allister Beharry as a static analyzer and formal verifier for Stratis smart contracts. Silver works at the source code level and the bytecode level to offer security-focused insights into smart contracts, and the Stratis team were deeply impressed by Silver’s proposed contribution to the smart contract ecosystem. Congratulations once again to Allister and this hackathon’s prize winners.

The Astroverse NFT Club Pass has launched

For just 300 CRS, you can now purchase one of 1,500 available Astroverse Club passes over on the Stratisphere Marketplace. The pass will unlock exciting possibilities within the Astroverse ecosystem, including 5 NFTs (1 NFT per Astroverse season), early access to upcoming games, exclusive access to a Club Pass Member discord channel, and more.

You can get access to an Astroverse NFT Club Pass here.

New NFT collections announced

It wouldn’t be a month at Stratis without new NFT collections, launches, and giveaways to reveal. The Opdex NFT collection will launch on Stratisphere next week as a limited-edition collection formed by 250 NFTs. While counting down the days to the Opdex NFT launch, why not check out some of the other excellent NFTs available on Stratisphere, from the traditional History Collection and the Ober collection to the colourful Tortillaz and Dogs Army NFTs. With such range available, now is the perfect time to hone your NFT gallery.

You can follow us over at @StratisphereNFT to stay up-to-date with the latest NFT drops and giveaways.

Stratisphere NFT desktop version 1.1 Wallet Release

The Stratisphere NFT Wallet version 1.1 is now available on desktop, meaning that you can mint, store, send, and receive NFTs more effectively than ever. This updated version of the wallet features additions and improvements as requested by the Stratisphere community. From category support when minting to increased performance through reduced GFX Load, this version of the Stratisphere NFT wallet has some unmissable additions for any NFT collector.

You can find out more about the update here.

STRAX, Meet Simplex

We are delighted to announce that STRAX is now officially available on Simplex, which will allow users to purchase STRAX by debit card, credit card. Simplex enables its users to access the widest range of payment measures possible, making it simpler than ever to purchase STRAX through whichever medium suits you best.

My XR Gallery

One interesting and creative proposal approved by Stratis Masternode operators last year was ‘My XR Gallery’, an offering from Polycarbon Games that allows users to create their own galleries through which they can interact, view, and trade NFTs in the marketplace. This month, Polycarbon Games announced some exciting developments to My XR Gallery, with the platform now able to display 2D and 3D NFTs from IPFS, making it more accessible and easy-to-use.

With a new website set to launch soon, My XR Gallery is on its way to being a hub of creative NFT activity, and we look forward to watching it develop.


Finally, Stratisphere has hopped onto a new platform this month: TikTok. With the Stratisphere community constantly growing and evolving, TikTok is a fun and fast-paced way to keep in contact in the social media sphere.

Follow us @stratispherenft on TikTok for the latest NFT-related content!

Stratis Monthly – February

It’s been a busy start to the year here at Stratis, and we’ve hit the ground running this past month with several project updates and releases for our community to enjoy. This past month brought with it the official launch of our feeless NFT platform, Stratisphere, and we truly look forward to watching users release and trade NFTs across the platform.

Taking off into the Stratisphere was not the only thing on our agenda at Stratis this month, however, and below we will delve into a series of exciting developments that took place over January as well as some hints about what is to come for the Stratis community.

Launching into the Stratisphere

The first month of 2022 marked the launch of Stratisphere, the world’s first feeless NFT platform that promises to revolutionize the process of launching and trading NFTs.

NFTs are a thriving aspect of the blockchain community, harnessed by artists to promote and sell their artwork, crypto users investing in NFTs, and play-to-earn game developers that use NFTs for assets and avatars across various digital landscapes. Stratis is excited to support this community with the release of Stratisphere, which is integrated with the non-custodial Stratisphere Wallet to help users carry out smoother transactions and manage their NFT collections effectively.

You can find follow Stratisphere on Twitter @stratispherenft on Twitter or join our Stratis Community Discord for more news and announcements about the platform’s functions and exciting NFT giveaways available to users.

Stratis Wallet Release on iOS and Android

The Stratis Wallet, a non-custodial wallet through which users can store STRAX and CIRRUS tokens, released in iOS and Android stores this month. With the Stratis wallet, users can send and receive funds as well as update smart contracts on the Cirrus sidechain. We’re thrilled that iOS and Android users around the world can now manage personal and business wallets safely and securely with Stratis.

Stratis InterFlux Update

As outlined in a previous blog post, this past month saw the latest development within Stratis’ InterFlux protocol go live. You can now carry out Token Swaps between Ethereum and the Cirrus blockchain, an update that means that ERC20 tokens can now be integrated into the Stratis Ecosystem. The benefits of this update will have a butterfly effect of sorts across Stratis, optimizing projects such as Opdex by providing access to popular tokens.

Internal testing has begun and will extend to Testnet in the immediate future, so watch this space over in our Discord Server for future updates.

Launch of The Astroverse Club website

The Astroverse Club launched its website earlier this month, on which users can gain a glimpse into the Astroverse Club Pass, Season 1 NFTs, and the 2022 roadmap plotting the way to The Astroverse Club’s goal of building an interactive ecosystem for NFT users.

Capped at just 1500 passes costing just 300CRS, the Club Pass and the NFTs it provides are not only visual assets; they can also be used functionally within upcoming games such as The Astroverse – Space War and Dawn of Ships. You can catch a look at some of the wonderful screenshots from both games as well as further details on upcoming developments within The Astroverse on its Discord Channel.

You can read more on The Astroverse Club Pass here.

Blockcore Releases Closed Alpha

Blockcore has featured in several monthly updates as it develops CoinVault, an easy and accessible non-custodial wallet for STRAX and CRS, and the latest news is that a closed Alpha has been released, much to the excitement of the Stratis community. Functioning similarly to Ethereum’s Metamask, CoinVault enables users to manage their multiple Stratis wallets freely and safely.

You can find out more about CoinVault here.

Polycarbon Games develops My Meta Gallery

Over @Polycarbongame Twitter, users can see My Meta Gallery continue to develop into a platform that is both visual and interactive, with new functionalities enabling users to connect and view each other’s galleries.

You can find out more about developing your own NFT collections and galleries with Polycarbon Games here.


Stratis Monthly – December

December is here and Stratis is busier than ever as the year draws to a close. This past month has brought with it some exciting developments to share with you, including the announcement of Stratis’ first decentralized NFT platform and the inauguration of the Stratis Blockchain R&D Center at the GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management in India.

As 2022 fast approaches, we’re excited to see how these updates unfurl over the next year as the Stratis community continues to grow.

Stratis’ $100,000 Hackathon

After the success of the first two hackathons, Stratis launched the third edition, the Stratis Build Hackathon, on the 29th November. This hackathon aims to shine a light on new talent in the blockchain technology space by setting a criteria free from restrictions: the only requirement is that your submission utilizes Stratis Blockchain Technology.

The Hackathon Prize Pool boasts $100,000 USD, including a $30,000 USD Grand Prize and many other prizes ready to be won by participants. Stratis Build Hackathon also has several sponsors, including the APPG, CMS, and Triad Group Plc, with the latter two set to offer a bonus of $5,000 to entries that meet some of their specific requirements.

The Stratis Build Hackathon will close on the 30th January 2022 and winners will be announced on the 23rd February 2022, so join the 100+ participants in developing blockchain solutions now!

Stratisphere NFT platform announced

Let’s launch NFTs into the Stratisphere. In November 2021, Stratis announced the imminent release of their long-awaited NFT platform, Stratisphere. Stratisphere is the first decentralized NFT platform to be built on the Stratis platform, and it operates with 0% platform fees. You can follow the platform on Twitter @StratisphereNFT to participate in upcoming giveaways and to be the first in line to hear about new collections launched on the platform.

Stratis commissioned industry-first research into NFTs and blockchain

Stratis recently collaborated with the insight agency Opinium to release an industry-first piece of research into how game studios truly feel about the integration of blockchain technology into video gaming. Across 197 developers surveyed in the United States and the UK, 58% of developers are beginning to use blockchain and 47% have started to introduce non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to their titles. Two-thirds of studios expect the presence of blockchain to dominate the gaming industry within the next two years, and 56% of respondents plan to use such technology in the next 12 months. This confirms a perspective already held here amongst the Stratis community: blockchain and NFTs are an inevitable part of the future of video games.

Genesis NFT collection

This month, Stratis announced a Genesis NFT collection that is minted explicitly for InterFlux Decentralized Government Board members who carry out their operations through a Stratis Sidechain Masternode. At Cirrus Block 3,430,000 this December, active Stratis Sidechain Masternodes will receive a unique NFT from this new and finite collection. As not all members of the Stratis community can operate a Stratis Sidechain Masternode, Stratis will also launch an additional collection for its community, so watch this space for updates on how you can own one of the first NFTs issued on Stratis.

Cirrus tokens began trading

After recognizing that it is optimal to execute smart contracts on a sidechain rather than the Stratis mainchain, we devised the Cirrus token to avoid the mainchain congestion seen in common blockchains such as Ethereum.

On the 22nd of November, the resulting Cirrus token (CRS) began trading on DigiFinex. Cirrus tokens are required to pay for smart contract transactions conducted on the Cirrus Sidechain for DeFi, NFTs, and other uses. As Stratis extends its reach with the launch of our Stratisphere NFT platform, the demand for smart contract execution will soon surge, so we’re pleased to have the Cirrus token in place as our Stratis ecosystem continues to thrive.

You can read more about the Cirrus token here:

Dawn of Ships update

Eagle-eyed members of the Stratis community may have noticed the Stratis flag featured on the updated cover art for the upcoming Dawn of Ships game. This latest update is a part that users will be able to buy and sell once the game goes live. Stratis is excited to be working with Dawn of Ships to develop an immersive and interactive game that allows the player to obtain and use NFTs as they play. Keep an eye out for updates on when Dawn of Ships will launch via their Twitter: @DawnofShips!

Polycarbongame proposal passed SDA vote

Stratis Masternode operators recently approved the proposal from Polycarbongame to create a gallery space that incorporates modern XR interfaces and revolutionizes the 3D gallery experience by allowing users access to interactive views of the NFT items that they can trade in the marketplace. Congratulations to Polycarbongame on a successful vote!

The Astroverse NFT giveaway

To celebrate the launch of Stratisphere, Stratis will distribute the first 2000 of the 20,000 NFTs from The Astroverse Club through giveaways on the platform’s Twitter account, @StratisphereNFT. Be sure to follow the account to be in the running to win one of them!

New Stratis Tutorials

We recently added a series of tutorials to our YouTube channel, Stratis Platform, to help our community master Cirrus and STRAX transfers. These videos are no longer than 4 minutes apiece and are quick and easy to follow. Find them here:

New NFT games released for community testing

Over the past two months, Stratis announced that they would be modifying the games Red Runner and NFT Knives to install new functions that can reward the player with various tokens. Red Runner, an open-source game developed by Bayat Games, was updated to include features such as a non-custodial wallet, NFT minting, and a play-as-you-earn function that rewards the player with tokens based on the distance they travel and the coins they collect in a session.

NFT Knives is an endless one-touch game in which animated knives are used to defeat obstacles and collect coins. Both of these games enjoyed exciting new updates when they were released for community testing this month, and we look forward to receiving feedback from players.

Launch of Stratis Blockchain R&D Center

Another exciting development this month was the launch of the Stratis Blockchain R&D Center in collaboration with the C# Corner and the GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management (GLBITM) in India. It was a privilege to visit the university this November for the launch event, and we look forward to working with GLBITM and the institution’s students in the near future.

Stratis Monthly – November

We’ve had a busy month here at Stratis, and we are excited to share what we have been working on and what the rest of November promises to bring for our community.

From Hackathon victories to the launch of the OpDex Platform API, the month has been full of promising developments that show no sign of slowing down.


 Student Hackathon Winning Ceremony

The Stratis Blockchain Student Hackathon Winner Ceremony took place on the 7 October at Inmantec Institutions in India. Developed alongside C# Corner, the competition allowed blockchain users and students to showcase their skills, with the overall winner awarded an Apple MacBook Pro and 200 STRAX. Competitors had to build solutions leveraging Stratis Smart Contracts in C# that were innovative, easy to use and could be applied across several industries. We offer huge congratulations to the winning team of Umesh Mahur, Abhishek Agarwal, Professor Ashish Bhatnagar and Dr Alok Singh Chauhan.


OpDex Platform API is available to the public

The Opdex Platform API project has been open-sourced and is now officially available to the public for collaboration. This project allows users to easily and effectively swap tokens, provide liquidity, collect transaction fees. The unveiling of this project marks Stratis’ first decentralised protocol utilising the world’s first native C# DeFi smart contracts.


Stratis attended APPG Blockchain’s CBDCs & Stablecoins evidence meeting

We were delighted to attend the CBDCs & stablecoins evidence meeting hosted by our partners at APPG Blockchain on 27 October. APPG Blockchain is comprised of reputable organisations such as Capita and the BSI, who collaborate to offer insight and recommendations to those working on the UK’s blockchain approach. The meeting aimed to ask questions around the opportunities and challenges posed by CBDC (Central Banks Digital Currency) and stablecoins, from the logistics of currency design to what role commercial banking will play once digital currency is implemented.


Completed token burn

 This month also marked the completion of our token burn, an effort to remove over 6.6 million STRAX from the circulating supply. This decision was received with near-unanimous support from our community last October, as 97.54% of users voted to swap out old STRAT tokens in favour of STRAX. As the Stratis project continues to develop and advance, this token burn will mitigate the difficulties experienced by users that struggled to integrate STRAT tokens into the network.


Release of Masternode dashboard

Another exciting development this month was the launch of the community testing release of the Masternode dashboard, a platform designed to simplify the management and monitoring of Masternodes and the role they play in validating transactions in certain blockchains.


CoinVault passed SDA vote

We are thrilled to announce that the blockchain development company Blockcore has passed SDA voted to build a MetaMask-like wallet named CoinVault. Coinvault is a non-custodial browser-based wallet for STRAX and CIRRUS tokens that allow users to store, send and vote on proposals.


Stratis Red Runner

Stratis has elected Red Runner — an open-source game developed by Bayat Games using the Unity 3D Gaming Engine — to demonstrate the uses of Stratis’ Unity SDK by installing a series of modifications such as a non-custodial wallet, NFT minting, and a play-as-you-earn function. These modifications mean that a gamer is rewarded for playing the game as the Red Runner Tokens are awarded based on the distance travelled and the coins collected by a player. You can download our edition of Red Runner below.

Stratis Monthly – October

Stratis Monthly – October

As we enter October, we have some exciting announcements to share with you all, including a new member of the Stratis Decentralized Accelerator (SDA) program and essential information regarding the STRAX token swap. The Stratis InterFlux Hub continues to grow, with more Masternodes signing up, more STRAX being burnt through the on-chain registration protocol, and more STRAX locked up for Masternode operation.

Each month, we witness continuous growth. Our partners highlighted a significant uptake in interest with over 145K unique views on our staking calculator page. We are genuinely excited about what is to come in the coming months.

Hash Battle passes SDA vote

The latest project from Deli-based Kingster636 Games — Hash Battle — will utilize the accelerator funding to develop blockchain capabilities ahead of the proposed January 2022 launch. Hash Battle sees players choose from thousands of games to compete against one another to win blockchain-based rewards, including Strax tokens and NFT avatars and trophies.

Azure Cloud Summit 2021 sessions are now available online

For those that missed last month’s Azure Cloud Summit, our sessions on smart contracts and the Stratis Unity SDK are now available online. Check out the links to see Rowan de Hass (Smart Contract Lead) discussing deploying Stratis Smart Contracts infrastructure to Azure Container Instances and Ivan Tarasov (Unity Lead) tips for leveraging NFTs with Stratis Unity SDK.

Token swap deadline approaching

Any STRAT token holders wishing to swap them for STRAX must do so before 5 PM on 15 October 2021. All un-swapped tokens after this date will be burned. This is a massive event for Stratis! As it stands, over 5% of the Token Swap Supply will be burned, equating to over $10M USD! Please reach out within our Discord support channels if you require any assistance.

SDA member update

Since announcing its addition to the accelerator program last month, London-based Red Ego Games has been making strides in the development of its latest title, Dawn of Ships. The game sees players captain a pirate ship, battle enemies and collect loot to progress and become more powerful. This play to earn title features ship and crew customization, the ability to buy and sell NFT ships with other players using the Stratis marketplace. Check out their latest awesome artwork here.

Stratis in the media

We have had some great coverage that we would love to share with you all following last month’s news that Stratis joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain (APPG Blockchain). Highlights include CryptoSlate, DailyCoin and Chainbits.

Speaking with Entrepreneur back in September, Stratis founder Chris Trew discussed the formation of the business, enterprise blockchain and NFTs. Read the full interview here.

Stratis InterFlux Decentralized Governance Board Update

We have seen another month of growth in Masternode Operators! There have now been over $400,000 worth of CRS Tokens burned through the registration fee. The number of Masternodes now stands at 224, locking up over 22M STRAX, equivalent to over $50M in STRAX! The continued growth is a fantastic achievement for us, further decentralizing the network while also increasing security.

Stratis Monthly #12

Stratis has started the year strong, engaging with several Enterprise organizations to demonstrate the power of the Stratis Platform and the benefits blockchain can bring into their traditional practices.
Interest in Blockchain Technology and adoption has shown an increase, this is evidenced by 61% of C-Level Executives at Enterprise Organizations having Blockchain as a high priority for their digital transformation. It is also evident in the market with conversations that we are having with potential partners, the knowledge of the technology is in line with the forecasted trajectory.
With Supply Chain being one of the very first enterprise use-cases for Blockchain, Stratis’ Business Development Team had a productive meeting with one of the world’s largest logistic companies. This meet enabled Stratis to both highlight and demonstrate the inherent benefits of Blockchain Technology, specifically when it came to the transportation of products sensitive to temperature fluctuation.
Engagements such as these enable Stratis to both exhibit our platform and engage further to develop and deploy Proof-of-Concepts within the respective businesses to truly highlight the efficiencies blockchain can bring to traditional processes.

Stratis in the News

A recent interview with both Stratis Founder and CEO, Chris Trew and Triad Group Plc’s Managing Director, Adrian Leer was undertaken by AIThority.
The interviews touched on where Blockchain industry is heading, within the Enterprise IT environments and what other emerging technologies and start-ups are of interest.
Click the images below to read the interviews in full.

Additional Trading Pairs

Additional trading pairs were added to the Binance Exchange, providing more options to acquire the Stratis Token. Stratis now holds trading pairs with BUSD, USDT, BTC and ETH.

Stratis Core 2.0 RC2

The latest iteration of Stratis Core has been in testing with the community for just under a month now. A final Release Candidate of the Stratis Core 2.0 Wallet is now available for the Community to install and utilise. We envision that this will be the final Release Candidate prior to general release, more importantly, the adoption of this instance of Stratis Core will signal for the activation of Cold-Staking.
Links to download Stratis Core 2.0 RC2 can be found below on our GitHub Releases page.

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