

Stratis Roadmap 2017-2018

Today we would like to share with you our Stratis Roadmap 2017-2018.
We are excited to highlight our achievements during the current year and wish to provide an insight into our future product roadmap. Among those completed milestones in our product development cycle are as follows:

  • Stratis Full Node
  • Breeze Wallet with Breeze Privacy Protocol (Bitcoin Alpha testnet)
  • Breeze Wallet with Tumblebit (Bitcoin alpha Testnet)
  • Stratis Identity App

We will continue to communicate updates of the roadmap deliverables via a series of blogposts. The roadmap provides a good insight into the bright future of Stratis as we move into Q4 and we look forward to a successful 2018.
Thanks for your support.

Stratis Mobile App Update

We are happy to announce an experimental update on the Stratis App. In this new release we have made available the exchange capability between BTC/STRAT pairs provided by Changelly.
The update is available for both iOS and Android devices. As of today you should have received an update message from the corresponding app store:
iOS Users: should receive an update notification. Just accept the update and proceed to the app.
Android users: If you haven’t received the notification, visit the Google Play app store and find the Stratis app. You should have the “Update” option active. Follow the prompts to update the app.

In order to buy/sell cryptocurrencies you need to enter your information in the provided fields.

Exchange capabilities are provided by Changelly
Stratis Group is not responsible for use of the Changelly functionality, any lost of funds or other issues with your transactions, and we do not provide support for transactions provided by Changelly. We recommend you make sure the addresses are correct and make sure you are operating with the correct currencies.
We would like to thank Stratis community member @alifar (Twitter: @AlifarSEO ) for this great update. As usual we welcome any feedback to further improve the user experience in our mobile app.

Stratis Roadmap: Work in Progress

Dear Stratis community,
We are very aware of the urgency for the updated Stratis roadmap, and it is indeed THE priority for Stratis. But it’s proven to be the most challenging task as an organization.
We have top experts working on it, cause the idea is that when we release it, we want to be certain to have our developers on board with it, considering all the implications and complications of developing new tech, that the milestones and the expectations will be realistic, and that are not going to change (as much) midway. Also we have to balance not revealing too much of our business strategies, and finally we have to show this data in a professional manner.
The process is advancing and we apologize for how long it’s taking to get this right. Today we will continue the review process and we expect to have by the end of this week, at minimum, a public high-level roadmap update from the developer side, that we all are comfortable with.
As you can see by following the corresponding channels, our development team continues to make great progress in all fronts and we expect to maintain a healthy pace with new updates and tech releases.
Thanks for your patience!

Breeze Wallet with Breeze Privacy Protocol (Dev. Update)

Breeze Wallet with Breeze Privacy Protocol Released

(Powered by TumbleBit and Stratis Blockchain Technology)

Breeze Wallet with TumbleBit has a new name: Breeze Wallet with Breeze Privacy Protocol. Breeze Wallet will be the first wallet of its kind that will not only provide a fully featured crypto wallet, it will also include a unique coin shuffling and swapping technology. The protocol takes small denominations of bitcoins from a source wallet in Breeze, shuffles and swaps the coins with others, and then transfers those coins to a destination wallet.
The process is powered internally by TumbleBit to add privacy to your coins. It is likely to be used by discerning individuals and businesses that accept cryptocurrencies and do not want to leave traces that may reveal their customer and supplier lists.

Alpha Available Now

Stratis Internal and select community testing of Breeze Wallet with Breeze Privacy Protocol is complete and we’d like to offer you, our community, the opportunity to take a look, download and try the Alpha. The new wallet is available now for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu. Download details are available here: ( ). This release runs only on testnet and is an alpha/experimental release.
The work has focused on developing a smooth user experience as well as deep integration into the Stratis Blockchain Technology. There is no longer a need to run BitCoin Core alongside Breeze Wallet when using the protocol to shuffle and swap coins. That functionality is now completely provided by Stratis Blockchain technologies. This work moves us closer to our vision where MasterNodes provide discoverable services – such as the privacy protocol – to the Stratis network in a decentralized, scalable, trustless way.
We’d like to point out that the Breeze Privacy Protocol is a CPU intensive service and although we will be providing a test server, places on the server are limited and part of the goal of the community alpha is to stress the server. Please do not be disappointed if you cannot get on this server – we are working with our community to add more server power. If you are interested in running a server please get in touch.
We’d like to also extend a warm thank you to our dedicated community testing team who have done an excellent job helping to get Breeze and the core NTumbleBit technology to a solid alpha release state. A special mention to badass, zomertje, sigma, demon and kabbie. And lastly to all our capable development team across all functions. Last but not least thanks to Nicolas Dorier and the TumbleBit dev team from MIT. This was a team effort and you guys are awesome.

Stratis Identity Proof of Concept Public Beta Release

Today we are proud to release the first Stratis Platform Proof of Concept – The Stratis Identity App. In a joined effort between Stratis and the Escalate Group, we have assembled the first building blocks of many possible applications on the Stratis blockchain.
Built on top of the Stratis Platform infrastructure this proof of concept showcases personal and corporate identity management capabilities on the Stratis blockchain to deliver a real use case for users to attest their identity on an immutable ledger and share that data with others via social networks.
With the Stratis Identity app, you can validate an identity, or other documents, once. After that, you just share the attestation, not the document itself. This feature can help shorten business processes and avoid exposing customer data.
Proof of the information you confirmed with a social login provider, like Microsoft, will be written to The Stratis Blockchain. No actual personal information will be exposed without your explicit permission.

Leveraging Microsoft’s Enterprise Solutions

On this initial beta-release, the Stratis Identity app tightly integrates into Microsoft’s Identity and Cloud Management solutions (Azure B2C Active Directory) and the Xamarin framework to provide an additional blockchain layer of trust to identity certification. For the first time, a blockchain project showcases this deeply integration with key enterprise tools such as Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory B2C which provides unparalleled customer identity and access management in the cloud.

By integrating in Azure Active Directory we open the doors for the Stratis Platform to be the blockchain of choice when implementing blockchain based identity solutions for large companies and enterprises. Among the benefits from such integration, we can mention:
• Use social accounts, emails, custom IdPs
• Support all platforms and open standards
• Customize your customers’ identity experience
• Integrate with CRM and marketing databases
• Use a white label solution, promote your brand
• Meet your security, scalability, and compliance needs
The development with the Xamarin platform, provides a great opportunity to demonstrate versatility for multi-platform deployment when developing blockchain apps in the Microsoft environment.
Additionally we have combined Graph API, Application Insights, Microsoft Teams and Visual Studio Team Services to dramatically improve the development and deployment cycle towards a fully functional application.
In summary the Stratis Identity App will be a great first experience for developers to learn about integrating existing enterprise tools with the different Stratis modules that could help them bring enhanced trust to social interactions with the help of blockchain technology.

How it Works

For this Beta release, the App is Android only, with an iOS version to be released shortly. After you download the App, sign up to Stratis Identity Alpha using your existing social logins. Currently, supported providers include Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Google. More sign-up options are already in development. You can find a full How to Guide here:
For developers, we are providing documentation and access to our Github page (eventually the project will be fully open-sourced).

About Stratis Proofs of Concept (PoC)

A key element of our strategy is the development and release of proof-of-concept apps that can be customized into full blown products and used as building blocks for developers in the C#/Net environment. The idea is to show and tell how simple it is to build blockchain apps using the Stratis Platform, while providing basic elements to get projects started fast.
One key element in this vision, is to also establish alliances with technology oriented business entities in different verticals, that can provide their market expertise and help refine our solutions for different business activities, co-develop licensable technologies and provide customer support.
On this line of thought, we think the Stratis Identity PoC could become a key element in developing opportunities through Microsoft channels, partners and customers that are currently exploring the different blockchain options available in the market. Also, this will become an invaluable tool to show and tell to potential clients how actual decentralized blockchain apps work and how they can improve existing business processes.
We expect to continue delivering several proof of concept apps, like the one announced above in partnership with Earth Twine and other organizations that are finalizing the onboarding process.

Calling Up Developers

We want to extend a particular invitation to C#/.Net developers to get access to the tools and share their experiences with us. If you are interested in furthering your learning in blockchain, we want to invite you to join the Stratis Academy.
You can contribute to the Stratis identity project on GitHub and also you are more than welcome to propose new ideas or concepts you would like to test.
We look forward to help you solve any issues and provide you with tips to get you started developing your own blockchain based apps on the Stratis Blockchain.
Acknowledgement: Thanks to Cesar castro and the escalate Group, our developers and all the testers that helped during the process. Also thanks to a stratis community member for this great walk through video:

Breeze Wallet Alpha Release Postponed

We have just got word that the Breeze Wallet Alpha Release had to be postponed due to the fact that the development team has hit several issues running final tests. We apologize for the delay and want to share with you the official statement from the Breeze Wallet team:
As you know we are hard at work on the latest alpha release of Breeze. We are fortunate to be working with some of the leading cryptographers and developers in the crypto-currency space and occasionally their work and reviews surface integration delays and issues such as the one below. Rest assured that this is a normal part of our software development process and is designed to produce a high quality and secure product.
Please bear with us and look out for a new super-secure version of Breeze. Alpha coming soon.

A second bug we are currently addressing:

Thanks for your patience!
The Stratis Team

Stratis CTO’s Developer Update

Development Team Update: ( Dan Gershony / Stratis CTO )
I am happy to report that Stratis has grown quite a lot these last two months, with many new exciting projects and technical challenges. Today I want to share with you some details on how we are organizing to make Stratis the leading blockchain platform.
We have hired several developers (full/part time), product managers and we are actively seeking for experienced testers and QA specialists to review our products and processes. To accommodate our growing team, we have relocated to our new office in WeWork Moorgate London (please, come say hi!).

We have implemented Agile and Scrum methodologies across all our teams, and I encourage autonomous and self-managing teams working towards sprint goals. We operate as a decentralized company as the team members are from all around the globe (setting meetings can be sometimes tricky, and I really appreciate the devs that stay out to participate in meetings at really late hours! Also I want to thank all collaborators for your valuable contributions). At this point we have dedicated teams in the following areas:

Full Node

Dev Leader: Jeremy Bokobza (@jeremy)
Developers: Pieterjan Vanhoof (@dev0tion), Robert Carr (@robertcarr), @aprogenia, @fassadir, @mikedennis and @someguy

Breeze Wallet

Dev Leader: Carlton Pringle (@carlton)
Developers: Jeremy Bokobza (@jeremy), Pieterjan Vanhoof (@dev0tion), Kevin Loubser (@zeptin), Dan Gould (@dangould) and just joined Adam Ficsor (@nopara73)
UI: Benoît Philibert (@bep42)

Stratis PoC

Project Leader: Cesar Castro
Developers: Alexei Kogtev (@kogot) and Igor Goldobin (@fenix2222)
UI: Benoît Philibert (@bep42)

What we’ve been busy on?

  • Stratis Full Node

Achieving higher code quality and getting to production ready (for enterprise standard). We have been conducting extensive testing, but we still need to have a larger percent of unit tests coverage.
Extensive documentation and refactoring of code (improve internal node components).
Improve the node performance (this may not be a big deal for new blockchains).
Extending the Stratis test network to run a network of C# nodes for a period of time.
Ideally we need to get our C# node on an exchange (how and what currency is not yet clear) and on a block explorer.

  • Breeze Wallet

We have been putting a lot of time and resources into achieve higher code quality for the Breeze Wallet and its underlying technology – Tumblebit – integration in order to get it production ready for enterprise standards. Soon we will be publishing a full update from the Breeze Wallet team itself with all the details. At this point I will ask your support in helping us conduct extensive testing of the upcoming Breeze Wallet with Tumblebit Alpha release and share your experience with us. The sooner we have Breeze wallet sufficiently tested, the earlier we can release with full functionality on the mainnet.

  • Stratis Identity

Our Proof of Concept team has been working in creating our first proof of concept application – Stratis Identity. Soon to be released on the app stores it will provide a working app, and most important, the building blocks for developers to start creating applications around identity management and provenance utilizing the Stratis blockchain.

  • Sidechains and Smart Contracts

The end goal for the fullnode is to make it THE blockchain framework where all C# developers go to when they need to build a blockchain. It is becoming evident that in the near future there will be countless blockchains (analogues to websites, but maybe not at that scale) and developers will need easy to use frameworks to develop blockchains on them. Stratis aims to provide such a platform, we will create out of the box templates of a Stratis hybrid sidechain. Next, I will be publishing a paper on our sidechains approach and unique features.
For smart-contracts I have joined with Jean Lehmann ( a cyber security academic to help with writing a paper on how we can securely deliver smart-contracts on the Stratis node. This is a work on progress.
Smart contracts enable applying logic over ownership of assets on the blockchain, we will need to change some core components of our fullnode to support smarter logic over assets, the node is built mainly on top of Bitcoin with a limited smart-contract support. We may need to change NBitcoin and the way the Bitcoin protocol stores UTXO (the UTXO set will need to be extended to allow contracts access to a key value pair storage among other things).
We are also exploring executing C# scripts directly in a node environment (smart contract scripts in C#) using the Roslyn compiler.
Last but not least, it is very important to notice that we have streamlined the development planning process with the addition of a Agile Project Manager – Paul Aderonmu (@paul_stratis). With his help we have been putting together a fresh roadmap that can provide better visibility and tracking to the community and all interested in our tech development process. We will shortly be releasing a reviewed roadmap and improved tracking tools for all to use.
With the Breeze Wallet and our first PoC release around the corner these are indeed very exciting times for Stratis. Stay tuned for the upcoming news!
These are exciting times to be a developer!
Dan Gershony

Bitcoin Privacy is a Breeze: TumbleBit Successfully Integrated Into Breeze

Development Update

This week the Breeze development team reached the final major milestone in their development of the Breeze Privacy Protocol, which is the Breeze implementation of TumbleBit.
This development has allowed us to start seeing considerable volume of transactions protected by Breeze’s Privacy Protocol, the architecture developed by Stratis, which provides a safe way to anonymize cryptocurrencies.

The Breeze Wallet is now fully capable of providing enhanced privacy to bitcoin transactions through a secure connection. Utilising Breeze Servers that are pre registered on the network using a secure, trustless registration mechanism that is resistant to manipulation and censorship.
Breeze Tumbler is expected to be utilized in commercial scenarios including businesses that do not wish to reveal their customer or sensitive data for competitive reasons.
Finally, we want to share with you the latest progress on the Breeze wallet UI, so that you can start getting a feeling of the great things to come from our team.

Follow and contribute to the Breeze Wallet project: BreezeHub and look out for an alpha release of this exciting product coming soon.

Alpha Version of Breeze Wallet Released

The Stratis team is releasing today the highly anticipated alpha version of the Breeze Wallet on the BTC testnet. Grab the latest release on our Github.

As announced earlier this year, Breeze Wallet is a proof of concept on the utilization of C# / .Net programming languages into cryptocurrencies, combined with the Stratis Platform capabilities.

The Breeze wallet is the first full SPV Wallet written in C#. This initial version will allow to execute test transactions with Bitcoin (BTC) on the BTC testnet. From this alpha-release the development team expects to gather information about the user experience, and potential issues and bugs in the Breeze Wallet. These would then be addressed before offering a stable, ready for production version.
This marks a solid milestone in our roadmap towards releasing the full capabilities of the Breeze Wallet. Leveraging advancements with Tumblebit technology, the Stratis development team continues to make advances in the integration of advanced features into the Breeze Wallet such as enhanced privacy and scalability capabilities, Proof of Stake, among others.
We would appreciate the participation of our community in helping test and experience this release of the Breeze Wallet, so that we can take your observations into consideration.
Thank you for your support!

Acknowledgements: We want to thank our team members: Wallet developers – Pieterjan Vanhoof (@dev0tion), Jeremy Bokobza (@jeremy) – also our UI designer – Philibert Benoît (@bep42) and developer Dan Gershony (@dangershony), and the rest of the Stratis team for making this release possible today. Special thanks to our community members @Neurosploit, @quantumagia, @molopony, @DogaOztuzun, @detroitpro and all of the others that have helped.
Please report any issues to either the #csharp_development channel on our Discord or on the GitHub repo.

Stratis Node Available on Azure Marketplace

We have great news to share with all of you today. The Microsoft Azure Certification for the Azure Marketplace has been successfully completed. Our Stratis Full Node (for Linux and Windows) has been approved, and the offering is now available publicly.
Initially we are offering deployment of the Interim Node (Wallet v2.0.0.3), which would be updated to the Full Node in C# when that is completed. This is a service geared towards developers that want to experience first hand the basic functionalities of a blockchain full node within the Azure framework. This is a product still under development, and we expect to update it several times during the upcoming weeks. Therefore your feedback and comments will be highly appreciated.

Some useful features of the Stratis Node available for deployment:

  • Synchronise a full Stratis Node in a few minutes instead of hours
  • Test staking capabilities in a secure and redundant environment
  • Run applications (like indexing Stratis Blockchain) on top of the node deployed
  • Combine with other Azure resources (Storage, etc) to increase application performance and reliability

This marks an important step towards consolidating Stratis’ presence in the Microsoft Blockchain ecosystem. This will undoubtedly help solidify different initiatives we are pursuing with the help of various Microsoft teams.
To find the offering, just visit the Azure Marketplace and type ‘Stratis’ in the search bar. Or click on the following link.

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