Stratis Auroria Testnet Campaigns Airdrop Commences

Stratis is excited to announce that the airdrop for the Auroria Testnet Campaigns has officially begun! The community’s interaction and participation have been overwhelming, and Stratis is thrilled to reward those who have contributed to the success of Stratis’ transition to an EVM-based Layer-1.

Campaigns Overview

The airdrop campaigns were designed to engage the community and reward participants for their efforts in interacting with the Auroria Testnet. With two separate campaigns, participants had the opportunity to earn rewards by either registering against the masternode contract or running a validator to secure the testnet network.

A total of 1,000,000 $STRAX was allocated for the airdrop, divided equally between two reward pools.

First up, participants of the Stratis Auroria Testnet Launch Campaign are eligible to receive 20.95 $STRAX as a reward. To recognize and reward the high level of participation, an additional bonus is being given to 3,000 random individuals, doubling their reward to 32.8 $STRAX. This campaign saw tremendous engagement, and Stratis is grateful for the community’s support.

Secondly, those who took part in the Stratis Auroria Testnet Staking Campaign, and successfully operated their validator will receive a substantial reward of 266.38 $STRAX each! This significant reward underscores the importance of their contribution to maintaining the integrity and stability of the testnet environment.

Reward Distribution

The distribution of rewards has already begun, and participants can expect to see their STRAX tokens reflected in their wallets soon. The airdrop will be staggered over the remaining days of May. Stratis appreciates your patience as the team ensures a smooth and accurate airdrop process.

Stratis has also created a dedicated channel in their Discord server; highlighting which addresses have received their airdrop. You can join the Stratis Discord Server using the link at the end of this blog!

Thank You!

Stratis extends their thanks to everyone who participated in the Auroria Testnet campaigns. Your efforts have been instrumental in the successful launch and operation of the testnet, and Stratis is excited to continue building and innovating with their community.

For more details about the campaigns and the Auroria Testnet, you can read the original announcement here.

Stay tuned for more updates and future opportunities to engage with the Stratis platform. To stay updated on the latest news and developments, follow Stratis on social media and join our Discord server at to become a part of our growing community!

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