The Stratis team is releasing today the highly anticipated alpha version of the Breeze Wallet on the BTC testnet. Grab the latest release on our Github.As announced earlier this year, Breeze Wallet is a proof of concept on the utilization of C# / .Net programming languages into cryptocurrencies, combined with the Stratis Platform capabilities.The Breeze wallet is the first full SPV Wallet written in C#. This initial version will allow to execute test transactions with Bitcoin (BTC) on the BTC testnet. From this alpha-release the development team expects to gather information about the user experience, and potential issues and bugs in the Breeze Wallet. These would then be addressed before offering a stable, ready for production version.This marks a solid milestone in our roadmap towards releasing the full capabilities of the Breeze Wallet. Leveraging advancements with Tumblebit technology, the Stratis development team continues to make advances in the integration of advanced features into the Breeze Wallet such as enhanced privacy and scalability capabilities, Proof of Stake, among others.We would appreciate the participation of our community in helping test and experience this release of the Breeze Wallet, so that we can take your observations into consideration.Thank you for your support!Acknowledgements: We want to thank our team members: Wallet developers - Pieterjan Vanhoof (@dev0tion), Jeremy Bokobza (@jeremy) - also our UI designer - Philibert Benoît (@bep42) and developer Dan Gershony (@dangershony), and the rest of the Stratis team for making this release possible today. Special thanks to our community members @Neurosploit, @quantumagia, @molopony, @DogaOztuzun, @detroitpro and all of the others that have helped.Please report any issues to either the #csharp_development channel on our Discord or on the GitHub repo.
Alpha Version of Breeze Wallet Released
Written by
Iain McCain
Published on
June 30, 2017