The above GUI Breeze Wallet image is just a mockup and some features may not be available by the time of first public alpha release.Breeze Wallet Enters Pre-Alpha TestingToday we are proud to announce that we are making Breeze Wallet available for testing as a pre-alpha version to a limited audience of developers and aficionados.For your convenience in helping us with our development efforts we have packaged this pre-alpha version as a virtual machine with all the required components. This includes some pre-installed software as well as the code for Breeze already cloned to /home/stratis/Breeze.The Breeze Wallet Pre-Alpha Virtual Machine can be downloaded here.Note: This download location is temporary for testing versions. Downloads for final versions will be made available from our own servers and domain locations.Instructions:1. Download and install VirtualBox: Download Stratis dev - Ubuntu 64-bit.ova3. Import the VM:Open VirtualBox.Click File | Import Appliance.Locate the .ova file.Click Next.Review the Appliance settings.Click Import.Log in with username 'stratis dev' and password '1234$abcd'.1. get the latest version of Breeze: execute 'git pull' from a terminal window in "/home/stratis/Breeze"2. run the API providing the back end to Breeze: execute ‘dotnet run -testnet’ from a terminal in “/home/stratis/Breeze/Breeze/src/Breeze.Daemon”3. run the wallet's GUI: execute 'npm run start' from a terminal window in "/home/stratis/Breeze/Breeze.UI"After following these steps you will be able to go through the process of creating a wallet. Once you’ve decrypted your wallet should see the following:* This is a work in progress test template. Not final UI /L &FFor any questions, don't hesitate to talk to us on our Slack (bookmarked in Firefox) in the #breezewallet channel.For bugs, either tell us directly or fill an issue on GitHub (bookmarked in Firefox).Thanks for your support and we look forward to hearing about your experience with the Breeze walletThe Stratis Team
Feel the Breeze: Testers Wanted!
Written by
Iain McCain
Published on
May 19, 2017